Flu Symptoms in Adults: Identifying Them

Treatment of Flu symptoms i adultFlu symptoms in adults often resemble a cold. However, common cold seldom gives rise to a fever that exceeds 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

Flu is a respiratory infection that is acute in nature. A large number of viruses are responsible for flu. In order to gain immediate treatment, it is important to comprehend flu symptoms in adults. This is particularly important if individuals suffer from a chronic medical condition.

Incubation Period for Flu in Adults

The time between exposure to the virus and symptoms of illness is incubation period. The usual incubation period of influenza is between two and four days.

The duration of an attack of flu will depend upon how quickly it is diagnosed. Prescription medications come in the form of antiviral drugs. They are most efficient when taken within 48 hours of the flu symptoms onset. These flu medications are efficient against seasonal flu’s typical strains. When used within 48 hours, these drugs reduce the flu’s duration by one day. Such antiviral drugs could provide relief even if they are administered after two days. This is particularly the case with individuals who are very sick.

The pattern followed by seasonal flu is fairly predictable. The flu season typically begins in fall and ends with the onset of spring. Flu typically affects school children. A good way of predicting the start of the flu season is by watching large number of school children fall sick, demonstrating flu-like symptoms. This flu outbreak among children is initial. It is often followed by infection of other age groups, particularly adults.

In a sharp contrast to common cold, flu symptoms in adults appear abruptly. It manifests itself with the onset of headache, fever, body aches, and fatigue. The following is a list of flu symptoms in adults:

•High temperature
•Acute pains and aches in the muscles, joints, and regions surrounding the eyes
•Weakness in the body
•Watery and red eyes
•Skin becomes warm and flushed
•Persistent cough
•Sore throat
•Watery discharge emanating from the nose

Seasonal influenza does not cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Influenza should not be confused with common cold. Differentiating common cold from influenza can be very challenging if you look only at the symptoms. Generally, individuals afflicted with influenza become sick abruptly. They look sicker and feel weaker. High fever, body ache, fatigue, and persistent dry cough are indicative of flu. In comparison, runny and stuffy noses are indicative of common colds.

Common cold is also caused by viruses, other than the influenza virus.

Influenza is characterized by the infection of airway tract of the throat and nose. It can also spread to the lungs. It causes respiratory illness in almost all age groups.

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