What is flu

What is flu and flu symptoms

What is flu in reality? When and how flu spreads ? What are the flu symptoms and which groups are most at risk?

The flu (influenza) is an acute infectious disease which occurs in isolation, epidemic and pandemic ( widespread ). It is caused by several viruses (A, B, C) and usually affects the airway. In more serious cases it can affect the joints and even heart. Risk are more young children, the elderly, the weak, cardiac and renal patients and in general all who are weary and reduced defenses.

The infection is transmitted primarily by the flu man by spraying droplets of saliva that are released during talking, coughing, sneezing, laughing, etc. On objects and dust viruses can stay alive for weeks. Flu is favored by climatic conditions ( cold ) of living conditions and the susceptibility of humans. Seasons with low sun also favor the onset of influenza. Epidemics of A and B flu viruses alternately one after another in 2-3 years.

Flu symptoms

The incubation period lasts from 1 to 5 days. Disease manifestations may be mild, moderate and severe. Some people can apparently suffered no apparent disease manifestations.

Beginning of influenza illness typically characterized by sudden onset of fever, accompanied often by chills, headache, cough, significant fatigue, which sometimes does not allow the sick to get out of bed. Frequent complaints of backache, limbs in the eyeball and behind the sternum. Often occurs nosebleeds. A runny nose is not characteristic of the flu.

For three days the temperature remained high ( 39-40 degrees), during which time appears dry bronchitis with hard and harsh coughing and hoarseness. The face of the patient was slightly flushed. Feels light sensitivity, tearing and redness. The tongue is dry, coated in the middle, the lateral edges are red.
Frequently observed dual wave soldering temperature increase, said second increase ( for 5- 6th day from the beginning of the disease ) is most often associated with bacterial infection added.

Influenza can also be gastric and rheumatic.

Influenza is gastric, where events from the stomach and intestines: coated tongue, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, even with blood. In some cases it appears, and jaundice (yellow coloring of the face).

Influenza is rheumatic fever except when the pain in the joints of the body are very strong.

Causes of flu

As is known, the flu and colds occur mainly in one period of the year – winter. This fact usually leads people to believe that these infectious diseases are caused by the cold. But flu epidemics there in early spring and summer, and early fall. Therefore, the reason must be sought not only in him. Of course, cold is triggering factor as the cooling of the body, especially the limbs, attacking the lining of the upper and lower respiratory tract, creating the necessary conditions for the development of colds.

The main cause of flu is, in general, reduced immunity due to unsustainable lifestyle. There is a mandatory body contamination with toxic products due to overfeeding or feeding unsuitable products, smoking, consumption of alcohol, pollution, poor living conditions, contaminated professional environment, promiscuous drug delivery and more. immobilization, physical and mental exhaustion, stress.

During periods of influenza and colds, namely the beginning of the autumn-winter, early spring and summer, summer, nature, profound changes associated with the onset of solar activity. Land pour huge amounts of solar and cosmic energy needed to perform the process in nature that will permanently disrupt the human body if it is dirty.

We will explain why is it the example of the season in which colds are the most common, namely the autumn-winter period. Under the influence of the cold situated waste substances in the blood starts to pass into the tissue in the form of mucus. If you do not take preventive measures, this mucus will gradually thicken the tissues and interfere with the normal functioning of cells throughout the body. Will experience various diseases, including influenza, which aims to separate the body from accumulated mucus in the form of phlegm cough, fever or high temperature. In this sense they are timely cleansing reaction designed to put or burn toxins.

Why fight the flu and colds should be quick, timely, urgent and energetic? Because they did not have innocent as considered and may lead behind severe complications: respiratory system – pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma, laringotraheobronhit; cardiovascular and nervous system – encephalitis, myocarditis urinary tract – kidney disease; of the musculoskeletal system – rheumatism and other joint inflammation, etc.


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