Swine Flu Classification

Swine flu H1N1 pandemicHuman pandemic flu and swine flu, there are three types of swine flu two with influenza A being common in pigs and influenza C being rare. Influenza B dose not appear in the swine flu epidemic. In pigs and humans in General, however, the nature of the swine flu strain c, because another transfer of genes to a horse and human strains of pigs.

Swine flu C

The swine flu virus infects humans and pigs, but not infected by the swine flu. I’ve seen, between humans and pigs. For example, if a pandemic swine flu, California and the Japanese children with swine flu c caused by progressive from onset forms. Due to the limited range and causes a host of genetic diversity of human pandemic swine flu (c) printed matter, not birds.

Swine flu A

Swine flu H1N1, H1N2, caused by swine flu subtypes known swine flu H2N3 swine flu a H3N2 and H3N1 three subtypes (H1N1, H3N2, and H1N2,) is the world’s the most common strains of avian swine flu. Subtype H1N1 spread in the population, only in the United States prior to 1998, the pigs. De 1998. H3N2 subtypes separated since the end of August. 2004 H3N2, stocks, the United States and Turkey, the virus can be isolated and triple (1) genes, swine (NS, NP, and M), and avian (PB2 and PA) development curve. The disease Centers by 2012. August and prevention make sure 145 cases (113, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and a Hawaii a 30) until July 2012 H3N2v.


Although the official United States national control system, the virus is circulating in the United States of America, the informal views on the pig, is part of the global observation system.

Veterinary pathologist, Tracey Mcnamara doctors create a national epidemiological surveillance system, the Zoological gardens, Zoo and exotic animals, there are many tools, while a comprehensive assessment of the sensitivity. Are subject to a variety of species, all federal agencies of the radar (including Prairie dogs, cats, dogs, animals in zoos and the wild animals in the city), although the importance of the early detection of diseases


  1. By The baroness


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