Monthly Archive:: December 2015

Characteristic influenza viruses 2015-2016

Characteristic influenza viruses for the flu season 2015/2016 (Update) The main information in the USA about the characteristic influenza viruses is how they spread among the population, how the sickness goes and what are the consequences from the treatment. This information is given by the CDC. The researches that define the types of flu viruses

Flu shot 2015-2016: Facts, Myths And Side Effects

Flu shot 2015-2016: The flu (influenza) vaccine  is an  annual shot for protection from influenza or the so called flu. CDC recommends flu vaccination for people of all ages from six months up. The Flu could be an extremely tough disease with the ability of causing serious complications. Especially threatened are the high risk groups

Naturally Fight Cold & Flu Season

Even the healthiest individuals are not always protected from sickness when flu and cold season strikes. Although medical experts strongly advocate for flu vaccines, such preventative measures are not a guarantee against catching the cold or flu. Natural remedies may be a good alternative for individuals who want to avoid risky side effects of the