Flu Symptoms Archive

Characteristic influenza viruses 2015-2016

Characteristic influenza viruses for the flu season 2015/2016 (Update) The main information in the USA about the characteristic influenza viruses is how they spread among the population, how the sickness goes and what are the consequences from the treatment. This information is given by the CDC. The researches that define the types of flu viruses

Flu shot 2015-2016: Facts, Myths And Side Effects

Flu shot 2015-2016: The flu (influenza) vaccine  is an  annual shot for protection from influenza or the so called flu. CDC recommends flu vaccination for people of all ages from six months up. The Flu could be an extremely tough disease with the ability of causing serious complications. Especially threatened are the high risk groups

Naturally Fight Cold & Flu Season

Even the healthiest individuals are not always protected from sickness when flu and cold season strikes. Although medical experts strongly advocate for flu vaccines, such preventative measures are not a guarantee against catching the cold or flu. Natural remedies may be a good alternative for individuals who want to avoid risky side effects of the

The Only Flu Treatment Resources You Will Ever Need

It is strongly recommended for the people infected with flu to consult a healthcare provider for treatment as soon as possible. It is essential for the patients to get treated within 48 hours subsequent to the beginning of flu. The drugs used in the treatment of flu helps in reducing the time that flu symptoms

Prevention from Airborne Illness

Protect Yourself Against Airborne Germs & Diseases When school is back in session and the seasons start to change, almost like clockwork, the cold & flu season makes its famous debut and lingers on for months on end, making the rounds through schools, workplaces, families and friends. Fortunately, the common cold and the flu go

7 healing food for colds and flu.

How we are protected against colds and flu? Even if we took all measures, including to put the flu vaccine to wash our hands regularly to drink vitamins – 100% st no insurance. However, if we catch flu, colds, cough and temperature, there are several healing food for colds and flu with which to fight against

Caring for Flu in Nursing Homes

When the flu arrives it spreads quickly and hits hard, particularly for the elderly population. As individuals age, the immune system begins to weaken through the natural process of aging. Unfortunately, the flu season can be deadly if not taken seriously or treated appropriately. 90% of flu related deaths and more than half of flu-related

Flu Symptoms in Adults: Identifying Them

Flu symptoms in adults often resemble a cold. However, common cold seldom gives rise to a fever that exceeds 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Flu is a respiratory infection that is acute in nature. A large number of viruses are responsible for flu. In order to gain immediate treatment, it is important to comprehend flu symptoms in

An Overview of Possible Flu Shot Symptoms

The influenza vaccine, commonly known as the flu shot, is administered on an annual basis to protect against the influenza virus (the flu). Just like any form of medication, vaccines can cause mild to severe side effects. Understanding the risks of the flu shot and flu symptoms will assist you in taking the most effective

Flu Facts to Keep Your Kids Safe

There are many flu facts that you should be aware of. Many people and young children are at risk for the flu this year. If you have a baby or and child that is younger than nine years old, the swine flu H3N2 could be a very difficult flu that will affect them. And, there