Flu symptoms Archive

The Only Flu Treatment Resources You Will Ever Need

It is strongly recommended for the people infected with flu to consult a healthcare provider for treatment as soon as possible. It is essential for the patients to get treated within 48 hours subsequent to the beginning of flu. The drugs used in the treatment of flu helps in reducing the time that flu symptoms

Caring for Flu in Nursing Homes

When the flu arrives it spreads quickly and hits hard, particularly for the elderly population. As individuals age, the immune system begins to weaken through the natural process of aging. Unfortunately, the flu season can be deadly if not taken seriously or treated appropriately. 90% of flu related deaths and more than half of flu-related

Flu Symptoms in Adults: Identifying Them

Flu symptoms in adults often resemble a cold. However, common cold seldom gives rise to a fever that exceeds 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Flu is a respiratory infection that is acute in nature. A large number of viruses are responsible for flu. In order to gain immediate treatment, it is important to comprehend flu symptoms in

An Overview of Possible Flu Shot Symptoms

The influenza vaccine, commonly known as the flu shot, is administered on an annual basis to protect against the influenza virus (the flu). Just like any form of medication, vaccines can cause mild to severe side effects. Understanding the risks of the flu shot and flu symptoms will assist you in taking the most effective

Cause of Swine Flu

Flu viruses on the outer surface proteins of virus species. The two most important proteins in the hem agglutinin (H) and weight (N). This is the case of the swine flu virus H1N1 2009 virus. In fact, despite the fact that swine influenza is a term frequently used to describe flu virus H1N1, the new

Swine flu pandemic

Often the subject of flu, especially in the model. The flu each year in the winter, the increasing number of cases of seasonal flu. As one can see a lot of people are suffering from the disease. Approximately 1% of those who have suffered will probably die, which is usually a secondary bacterial infection of

What Happens When Flu And Pregnancy Occur Together?

Flu is a serious condition, and the seriousness actually dependѕ on the kind of virus that affects the person. Flu itself may not be deadly in most caѕes, but there are some high virulent strains of the virus that can cause death. Some of the different kindѕ of flu that have affected people in recent

Swine Flu Classification

Human pandemic flu and swine flu, there are three types of swine flu two with influenza A being common in pigs and influenza C being rare. Influenza B dose not appear in the swine flu epidemic. In pigs and humans in General, however, the nature of the swine flu strain c, because another transfer of genes to a horse

Swine Flu Shot Side Effects

Swine flu shot side effects have really gotten headlines this year and last. The world has not seen flu like the swine flu in a very long time. It’s often confused with the seasonal flu because many of the symptoms are similar. But many people do ask how serious is the swine flu? For many people the

Pregnancy and the Flu

Gеttіng thе flu іѕ bаd еnоugh, but gеttіng thе flu whіlе уоu’re рrеgnаnt саn bе а nіghtmаrе. There іѕ а greater сhаnсе thаt уоu wіll ѕtау ѕісk lоngеr, thеrе аrе only hаvе а fеw mеdісаtіоnѕ thаt уоu саn tаkе tо ѕаfеlу relieve flu symptoms, аnd уоur risk fоr dеvеlоріng flu-rеlаtеd соmрlісаtіоnѕ іѕ increased. Thаt’ѕ why