Flu prevention Archive

Three simple rules for flu prevention

The chance of getting ill with flu during the winter season is quite big. Whether the influenza vaccine can prevent the flu is really hard to tell. During the 2014/2015 flu season, it was proven that the flu vaccine is not able to provide us the necessary protection from flu. CDC and WHO officialy announced that

CDC recommended antiviral medications in treating the flu

The last report of CDC, about the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine during this flu season from January 16 reported that the influenza vaccine for the 2014/2015 flu season has efficiency only 23% for all age groups. One factor that determines how well a flu vaccine works is the similarity between the flu viruses used

Preventing flu and stop it.

What is flu? The medical term is Influenza and is worldwide spread disease, better known as flu. Some say it is the modern plague of humanity and millions of people get it every year. It is an infection of the respiratory tract. Flu’s outbreak is during the winter season, from the late autumn to the

How effective is the flu vaccine during flu season 2014 – 2015

If you cough, sniffle, upset stomach, fever and other flu like symptomsBetween December 13th to the 20th, the number of confirmed flu cases New York State increased 154%. Normally the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine is how 66%. This means that two thirds of vaccinated people do not get sick from the flu during flu